Bygone Memories.

Enter within

the brass bell jingles announcing.

Old heads full of


faces whiskered

turn like an orgy of owls.


they cry in unison.

Around the sentinel they sit

on wooden benches, edges

worn smooth by hands worn rough and

warmed by the ancient wood stove.

Dusty shelves, dusty memories,

faded longing, yearning for bygone times.

One jokes, another laughs,

and hazy eyes dream.

Naked Branches.

Come, says the writer,

look into my world.

See and hear,

touch and taste.

Watch the leaves flutter on high

on distant branches.

Smell the breeze

and listen as lovers talk

lying on an old quilt

by rolling waters.

Do so eagerly.

Do so lovingly.

Fall into my world and

into theirs.

Watch as they laugh and love

and yes, as one dies,

leaving the other to either suffer

or move on.

Sometimes it’s now


Sometimes the branches seem naked,

bare, mistakes easily seen in other works,

and it could be difficult

to enjoy

if I were to allow it.

Warm, Wet, Sand. A short story.

The sea oats brushed against her bare shoulder, tanned, lithe, and she stepped out onto the beach, the sand hot against the soles of her feet. She dropped her sandals and slid them on and looked at him.

“You’re going to need your shoes soon.”

He walked faster. “I’ll be okay.”

“I warned you.”

The sun was a singular point of magnified warmth in the sky. Waves of heat rose from the long stretches of sand on either side of them as they hurried to the water.

He stopped and sat on the cooler, holding his feet above the sand.

“I told you you’d need your shoes.”

He stared up at her. Her sunglasses reflected his expression and her floppy hat shaded her face. “What can I say,” he said. “You were right.”

“Aren’t I always?”

“No one is always right.”

“But I’ve got a good record, you’d agree.”

He got up from the cooler, ready to make a run for it. “Yes. I’ll admit that. Let’s go.”

He took about five more steps, stopped again and got on the cooler and fanned his feet, their soles almost as red as the steamed crab they ate last night.

“Geez,” he said. “I should have worn my shoes.”

She smiled down at him from under the hat. “Where have I heard that before?”

He glanced up, a half-smile at the corners of his mouth. “You know how much I love you, don’t you?”

She shook her head. “Yes, but I’m not giving up my sandals.”

“You won’t even consider it? Not for just a few steps until I can get my feet in the water?”

“You like my feet,” she said. “Do you want to see them looking like yours?”

He thought for a moment. “You’re right. When we go to dinner later, I’d like to see you wearing those sexy high heels you bought this morning without your feet looking like they had been microwaved.”

“I thought you’d see it my way.”

He got up and started off again, faster this time, his multicolored swim shorts swishing about his legs, but he soon stopped and jumped back onto the cooler. He considered putting his feet inside but didn’t care to dirty their ice.

“You could wrap your feet in the towels,” she said.

“I don’t want to get them dirty. We’re going to lie on them in a few minutes.”

“Okay. It was just a suggestion, Mr. lobster feet.”

He glanced up at her and smiled.

She felt sorry for him, but she wasn’t about to give up her shoes.

A few moments later, they were off again, running toward the waves, each with a hand on a cooler handle and each hopping on one sandal a piece.

Isn’t love grand, whether standing, sitting, or running together toward the warm, wet sand?

Without Spice

a single silky warm raindrop

clings to her nose.

brown eyes see through me

clear, luxuriant.

lashes blink.

moist lips

oh to taste.

all this and more

twenty-one years

or twenty-one hundred.

she listens

she supports

she understands

trust runs rampant

as does respect.

are there differences?

of course

but what is life

and a relationship



without spice.


Chris, you have worded my feelings concerning the art of writing, especially in my own life, exactly as I would have. We are rarely understood by family and friends. I see that as musician, too. I feel it. Some don’t. Sometimes during a certain song, my emotions hang in my throat, and I love that it can do that to me. It’s the same with writing–exactly the same.
Many friends just do not understand; they make those that do even that much more precious.
Having recently finished a novel, a first revision, and homing in on the end of a second revision, I plan to seek an agent soon. I laugh when I write that because my passion and the results of it will truly “hit the fan”. Yes, I may be knocked down, but I’m ready to get back up swinging. If there’s one thing I have learned from delving into my passions, it’s that I have to believe in myself.
Great read, Chris. And thanks.

The Renegade Press

“It ain’t about how hard you hit; it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. It’s about how much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done.’

-Rocky Balboa.

It seems as though every single writer at some point in their life attempts to describe their process through the analogy of boxing. I’m a fighter they say. I’ve been knocked to the ground and picked myself back up again just to get where I am! Oftentimes their stories are inspiring and can in some way be loosely tied into the boxing metaphor, but after a while they can all start to gel together and fall into a state of forget-ability. It’s a great analogy; don’t get me wrong. But ultimately it’s a terrible cliché that we creative folk have forever tarnished. Even as I wrote out the epigraph at the top of…

View original post 719 more words

It Is Time.

hate forms on the tongue

colors, signs, screams of unknowing

cups filled to oveflowing

droplets of conversation


what is and isn’t

streaming away


communication isn’t screams

isn’t signs

isn’t pointing fingertip daggers of hate

on any side.

language: words, love, caring, understanding …

empathizing in all things

slips into rapids drowning

muddied puddles of filth

ears, hearts, eyes, all clogged

hands that could reach

makes fists

frozen hearts stabbed clear through

with icicle knives of misunderstanding

that might

that could



where does the compass needle aim

to which direction

to which emotion

to which might it lead?

alas, too many have none

but the clamoring voices of those running

on hatred fueled engines.

who should fear

who should care

and why.

not a soul, wisps of what once was and

what once could have been are racing toward more

and more hate.

whose eyes will open

whose ears will hear

whose hands will reach in kinship

to each of us

together not


joined not

split asunder

listening not


and considering what

each of us …

has to say.

the automatic knee jerk of hate

broken clean and cast


fresh bone knitting

new cells forming

it is time to renew

it is time to care

it is time to wish each other … well.