Until Next Year.

Slender emerald green delights

slip by, fussing, fighting, complaining about

breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

There’s plenty I say. Share. There’s more where that

came from.

And still they’re bitter,

tails fanning, ruby red throats flashing,

Stay Away! Stay Away!

But at times they settle

in ones and twos, and as many as five but rarely more.

Then one has to upset the quiet moment

and they’re back at each other again, rocketing back and forth,

green, white, and red, zooming by,

miniature world war II fighter pilots in feathered garb,

excited tweets, chirps, all over the sweet red

liquid left in the feeder.

Thanks for the show and farewell when you go.

Until next year.

Morning Gift.

I glance to the left and see shades of pinks

in the horizon over the tree line.

A new day; she’s letting herself be known.

To my right the water is still, and at first

they are invisible

until I notice the wake; the small ripples of their passing,

the fresh light glinting off tiny waves.

At the lead, one glides, all shades of grays and blacks, noble head high

and on lookout.

At the rear another.

Watchful and protective it follows those between.

A downy trio, light colored, lightly made, secure between parents.

The rising sun illuminates the scene, securing the image

in my mind.

Now, here in words

which hardly do them justice.

Thank you family of Canada Geese.

You were a gift to my eyes and heart

that morning.